Monday 7 December 2009

Quotes from Ice Age 1

Ice Age Quotes : I really enjoyd the three parts of Ice Age and it is one of my favourite animation movies ever. That is why I decided to publish this hub which contain some of my favourite quotes from the movie, please feel free to share your favourite quotes, too.


Diciplining kids

Children can be hard to decepline if you are not patient or not familiar with their natural stobbonness. Parenting needs patience (as well as other thing!). In many times you will have to explain things to your child every time and you will have to repeat your discussions with them because children HATE orders!

That is a simple fact, some children are more stubborn than others and they won't allow you to have control over their personality, they won't allow anything that is against their will. There are many ways to dicipline children but you will always have to wait and be patient and treat them with love and care.

The most important advice with children is not to lose control over your emotions. Sometimes you may be too angry or too afraid about your children and this might cause you to behave in a wrong way and that might leave a bad effect on your child.

Saturday 5 December 2009

What is the best learn-French software?

What is the best French learning software? To learn French with a software you need a software that provides you with audio lessons, images, grammar lessons. The best software use immersion as a way to help you learn French in an easy way. This is particularly important for beginners because learning a language needs to make this language a part of your day.

Another thing to look at is the price. Is the product worse the price? Does it suit you? And are you satisfied with what they are promising?
Using a software to learn French can be fun and entertaining. Visual and audio materials also are awesome ways to help you remember vocabulary.
Good luck!

Saturday 28 November 2009

Yet another way to treat vaginal thrush

Yeast infection and thrush have been discussed millions of times on the internet. At the end, both classic and alternative medicine will remain forever and each will always have its supporters and people who think it's the best and only way for Treatment of vaginal thrush.

This article is another article in the series of natural cures for yeast infections and thrush. Hopefully you can find some inormation about another e-book that might help you get rid of this annoying problem.

Sunday 22 November 2009

Cure vaginal candidiasis naturally

Again, it's one of the most common womens' problems around the world. The frustrating vaginal yeast infection (candidiasis). The classic medical approaches work initially and relief the infection. But the infection strikes back again after a while.

TReating the infection must at first eliminate the risk factors behind the infection and factors favouring the growth of the yeast inside the body. Treatment of vaginal thrush is one of the things that herbalists claim to achieve all naturally without the need to drugs.

The wholistic approach deals with the unit as a single unitm each part of your systems affect the other parts and so, to cure a chronic vaginal infection, many factors have to be corrected as regards diet, bad habits and hygeinic measures.

A guide (a natural guide) is all you need to learn how to fight this disease. You need to know what to do to PREVENT the disease in the first place. Many people think that this is the best treatment for thrush.

Stay well.

Saturday 21 November 2009

How to lose baby fat?

It's what many mothers forget and finally find themselves facing sooner or later, Pregnancy fat, aka baby fat. Losing baby fat becomes important for moms when they realize that with their old bodies, they were healtheir and they could be able to give their kids better care with a more healthy body.

What are the best ways to lose this weight? Exercising, dieting, pills or surgery? Trying to focus more on the ways that busy or working moms can use, methods and exercises that only take an hour or less a day to achieve good results in no time.

Friday 13 November 2009

Benefits of breastfeeding

There are numerous benefits that breastfeeding possess. Many benefits for both the mother and the baby on both physical and emotional levels are provided by breastfeeding only and not by any other milk. Here are some of The advantages of breastfeeding.

This is what makes a woman feel like being strong, caring and confident. It makes her feel like a complete female. Also the baby finds all his needs in breast milk as regards nutrients, vitamins, calories, antibodies and sense of security.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Halloween costumes for kids

Kids are absolutely the biggest Halloween fans! Every kid get's to dress and become his favourite cartoon character, super hero or anything else he watches on TV!
There are so many ideas for halloween costumes from homemade costumes from old clothes to mixing clothes with buying just a few extra accessories and to buying whole new costumes.

The new trends in kids costumes are really confusing and starting to seem like some designers are trying to imitate the adults' designs. However, most kids like the "kids costumes" more as they represent their favourite movies, cartoons and comic characters.

There are many Buy kids costumes : kids Halloween costumes online to choose from but it really depends on what your kid's like and on his age. As you can see I've tried to help you with some examples in this article in the link earlier and you will find that it's simple as long as you just choose carefully and share your ideas with your kid. Toddler's and infants can't choose their own costumes so will have to go through the whole choosing process on your own, good luck!

Tuesday 29 September 2009

A natural cure for yeast infections

The new article I've published is titled How to cure a yeast infetcion naturally. It's about the annoying infection that many women suffer from. Candida infection can be really annoying specially when it becomes chronic and recurrent, which happens alot. The herbal approach to treat yeast infection seems to be really strong and it's getting more popular.

All you need is to follow a program that guides you and tells you what you can do to get rid of this disease. E-books are flooding the internet about this subject, but which of them is the best?

You need a simple answer to our questions and someone to help you, just by reading their book without the need for any drugs or medications.

Good luck.

Sunday 6 September 2009

Teaching your kids about money

Teaching children about money, it's essential in these days specially with the recession and the changing economic situations every day. Little kids don't really realize money problems and just think that you can get more money from the machine anytime you want.

You can explain the basics of money in a simple language to your kids and help them practice saving some money.

Monday 22 June 2009

How to stop breastfeeding?

How and what is the proper way to wean your baby gradually untill you stop breast feeding? Is it right to continue breast feeding for a long time?

It's known that breast milk is the best for your baby during the very first months of his life, but what's next? What is best for him. I tried in this article to explain How to stop breast feeding and wean your baby in a gradual and healthy way good for both of you. It's important also for the mother so to avoid breast engorgement.

Mothers should consider this issue and have a plan for stopping breast feeding and shifting to semisolid foods and finally to ordinary food in a gradual way

I hope that helps, stay well !

Also read:
Advantages of breastfeeding

Friday 19 June 2009

About cars!`

Cars are one of my passions and the things that I like to keep up to date with and may be blog about. In a quick and simple article I tried to help you to know what to do if the car engine is overheating. I hope this one help those doesn't know what they should do in such situations.

On another subject but still related to cars, many people always search for the best websites to buy car accessories online. There are many sites that sell car parts and accessories on the internetm for almost all kinds and models of cars.. I hope you enjoy these two.

Saturday 30 May 2009

How to become a nurse?

So you want to become a nurse? A nurse's job is one of the most growing careers in the world now as the need to nurses increase everyday.
The nurse's work can be really inspiring and never boring.

May be the tests and exams are repeated but the patients conditions are always changing and it puts the medical staff in new situations every time, each situation needs a new set of decisions, examinations and treatment.

There are some degrees required to start or attend a nursing school as well as some personal skills and virtues. Read this article on how to be a nurse.

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Funny Political bloopers

I remember watching something on MSNBC news titles as "Is Bush an idiot" ? They were discussing if president George W. Bush was somehow lacking intellectual abilities. There are many funny political videos for Bush (and other politicians of course) on youtube and other sites.

Others say that the man is just inarticulate or may be he gets lost without the teleprompter. He may be having some problems in communication but the man is funny and his speeches are hilarious. I wrote about this is the hub political bloopers.

Obama also has his funny moments in his speeches as well as some geography and history mistakes. The American elections can be so fun and interesting from a certain point of view.

Friday 22 May 2009

Babies growth and milestones

All parents are very excited when having a child. The new baby amazes his parents and makes them wonder with every new move or word he says, some parents become worried when their child doesn't talk or teeth at the age they expected. To answer the questions concerning these isuues I've written these two articles:

When do babies walk


When do babies talk

I hope you enjoy them, feel free to comment or ask any questions.

Thursday 21 May 2009

Earthquakes and how to survive them

If you live in an area where earthquakes are commonm you should realise that they can be very dangerous. Therefore, you must have a plan and be prepared for what could happen, always remember that your plan is your best chance to survive even the most catastrophic earthquakes. For more information you can read my hubs :
How to prepare for an earthquake
What to do during an earthquake

I hope you like them.

Tuesday 12 May 2009

my 2 new hubs

At hubpages, writing is a real joy for me. The site is so simple to use and the people there are very helpful and there are many really gifted writers. The new 2 hubs that I publeshed are:

Ideas for Kids Party
Tips on how to throw an affordable kids birthday party. Because all parents wanna be the best parents in the world :).

Health care workers safety
How can doctors and health care providers protect themselves at work from needle stick as well as other injuries/infections.

Untill we meet :)

Saturday 9 May 2009

Are you having morning erections?

Some teenagers are worried about the repeated erections they get at night or when they wake up. What causes this kind of erection and does it indicate an underlying illness?
What do doctors say about this phenomenon and should you be worried?
and how does an erection occur during your sleep although there is no stimlant for you?
What is a morning erection

Doctors' safety

When it comes to means of safety and precautions, doctors seem to forget about themselves sometimes. They forget that they can be infected too and that they are human, then they become too lazy to apply some basic precautions to protect themselves during their job from catching infections that can be really serious.

This article is about health workers safety explains the different ways a health worker can protect himself.


Sunday 3 May 2009

Chest examination and others

In my medical blog, there are some good stuff for medical students to make their life easier! I'm a medical student and I know how hard could it be to find information, videos and images about medical conditions online.

In fact, the internet contains a huge amount of medical information, as well as video tutorials, illustrations and interactive websites and medical journals and medical news sites that puplish the latest researches and discoveries in medicine.

The first post is :Chest examination videos and abnormal breath sounds videos. Not all the information on the internet are free, but thank God, there are many many videos that show you how to examine the chest, percussion, palpation and auscultation. I hope you find these videos helpful.

The second article was written for everyone who is reading about or studying hepatology. The liver diseases and how it can cause many serious complications. The post : Pathophysiology of ascites explains in a simple manner how ascites is formed and how it can affect your body, many theories have tried to explain ascites, some are simple and new, and some are complex.

Best regards.

Monday 27 April 2009

New themes article

This one contains some of the best hand picked Sony Ericsson themes for w200i. The themes are suitable for all tastes, from the very black colored to the greenish ones. The w200i is one of the very respectful phones and a mobile that I really appreciate too much.

Thursday 2 April 2009

Results of colon cleansing?

This is a new article I wrote on It's about how your body can benefit from a colon cleanse. What to expect from a colon cleanse and why.

How does a colon cleanse diet work to clean your body from all these toxins and waste materials in your colon. There are some good diets and recipes as well as also pills for colon cleansing. People have been trying this for ages and it seems to be working just fine.

Themes for sony ericsson mobiles

I've created a new blog for themes,tricks,ringtones and tricks for Sony Ericcson mobile phones.
The site is still new but will be updated regularly. I really love everything about Sony Ericsson phones and willing to help anyone using them.

visit Themes for sony Ericsson.

Saturday 28 March 2009

Tips on Sony Ericsson w910i & computer speeding!

Here are three important old posts I wrote in my other blog :

Hints, tips and tricks for Sony ericsson w910i
A great mobile phone, some tricks revealed and basic things you can do with it for begin.

Speed-up your PC.
Every computer user need these info for maintainance of his computer every once in a while. Computer need care, free space and resources to work effeciently.

What is RSS?
It's an important feature that we can all benifit from. Imagine the news and updates coming to you from all your favourite sites instead of you going after them and visiting each site separately.

More articles and tricks soon.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

The symptoms of Salmonella food posoning

Another medical article aiming to give information to anyone looking for some info about Salmonella.
Infection with Salmonella is a common type of food poisoning. It can infect humans as a result of eating food which is not properly handled,cleaned or cooked.

The typhoid fever is different than Salmonella food posoning and more severe and serious. They are produced by 2 different strains of the Salmonella bacterium.

Signs and symptoms are different in the 2 diseases. The duration is longer in typhoid fever and complications are more likely to occur if the condition is not treated.
More info in this artcile:

Symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning.

Friday 20 March 2009

The top 10 love songs of all time!

I know it's a little strange (and a very hard job) to list ONLY 10 songs as the best romantic love songs ever. You can use them in your wedding or make a CD for your partner or just enjoy listenng to them.
Please also post your own favourite top 10 love songs ever!

Article's link : Top 10 love songs of all time!

Enjoy :)

The relationship between Smoking & excercise

Smoking and excercise may look like 2 irrelevant words. But the fact is that smoking affects excercise and vice versa!. If exercise is very beneficial to a non-smoker then what about smokers?
Do they benefit from excercise? and does smoking limit their exercise abilities and make it harder for them to exercise? why?

Read more :
Smoking and Excercise.

topics to talk about on a date!

It's the first question that pops into your mind on a first date. What should and shouldn't you talk about?
Do you have to be very funny?
Do you have to reveal alot about yourself or just do the opposite?
Should you talk about minor or important things?
How to choose the topics of the conversation according to your date's hobbies?
All these questions can really make you nervous, but the best way is just to relax and just follow these simple steps in this article:

Things to talk about while on a date!

I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

The best way to learn French online

Do you want to learn French?

If you have really decided to learn French, I suggest Rocket French. Once you download it, you can enjoy a large number of great audio lessons that focuses on how can actually speak French and learn all the useful vocabulary you need in a fun and effective way with the help of the computer gamed included. It also explains French grammar in a very easy way for those willing to deeply understand the language.

P.S. It's also the cheapest product available!

Visit Learn Common French for more info.

Friday 6 March 2009

Man + Woman = Troubles

Why there should always be troubles and alot of misunderstanding? How the a women's emotions are different from a man's?
They also think in different ways and see the world from different perspectives....thus, it can be hard sometimes to understand each other. But if you figure out how the opposite sex -generally- think and if you can just understand their needs, maybe you won't find much trouble communicating with them.

Read more :
Man + Woman = Troubles

A list of the worst movies ever!

This was just a spontaneous post at, I tried to remember some of the worst movies I ever saw and then I got new suggestions too from a couple of readers so I added them, this list could go longer and longer but I tried to spot out the WORST ones, what do you think?

Read this article:
A List of the Worst Movies Ever

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