Saturday 28 March 2009

Tips on Sony Ericsson w910i & computer speeding!

Here are three important old posts I wrote in my other blog :

Hints, tips and tricks for Sony ericsson w910i
A great mobile phone, some tricks revealed and basic things you can do with it for begin.

Speed-up your PC.
Every computer user need these info for maintainance of his computer every once in a while. Computer need care, free space and resources to work effeciently.

What is RSS?
It's an important feature that we can all benifit from. Imagine the news and updates coming to you from all your favourite sites instead of you going after them and visiting each site separately.

More articles and tricks soon.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

The symptoms of Salmonella food posoning

Another medical article aiming to give information to anyone looking for some info about Salmonella.
Infection with Salmonella is a common type of food poisoning. It can infect humans as a result of eating food which is not properly handled,cleaned or cooked.

The typhoid fever is different than Salmonella food posoning and more severe and serious. They are produced by 2 different strains of the Salmonella bacterium.

Signs and symptoms are different in the 2 diseases. The duration is longer in typhoid fever and complications are more likely to occur if the condition is not treated.
More info in this artcile:

Symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning.

Friday 20 March 2009

The top 10 love songs of all time!

I know it's a little strange (and a very hard job) to list ONLY 10 songs as the best romantic love songs ever. You can use them in your wedding or make a CD for your partner or just enjoy listenng to them.
Please also post your own favourite top 10 love songs ever!

Article's link : Top 10 love songs of all time!

Enjoy :)

The relationship between Smoking & excercise

Smoking and excercise may look like 2 irrelevant words. But the fact is that smoking affects excercise and vice versa!. If exercise is very beneficial to a non-smoker then what about smokers?
Do they benefit from excercise? and does smoking limit their exercise abilities and make it harder for them to exercise? why?

Read more :
Smoking and Excercise.

topics to talk about on a date!

It's the first question that pops into your mind on a first date. What should and shouldn't you talk about?
Do you have to be very funny?
Do you have to reveal alot about yourself or just do the opposite?
Should you talk about minor or important things?
How to choose the topics of the conversation according to your date's hobbies?
All these questions can really make you nervous, but the best way is just to relax and just follow these simple steps in this article:

Things to talk about while on a date!

I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

The best way to learn French online

Do you want to learn French?

If you have really decided to learn French, I suggest Rocket French. Once you download it, you can enjoy a large number of great audio lessons that focuses on how can actually speak French and learn all the useful vocabulary you need in a fun and effective way with the help of the computer gamed included. It also explains French grammar in a very easy way for those willing to deeply understand the language.

P.S. It's also the cheapest product available!

Visit Learn Common French for more info.

Friday 6 March 2009

Man + Woman = Troubles

Why there should always be troubles and alot of misunderstanding? How the a women's emotions are different from a man's?
They also think in different ways and see the world from different perspectives....thus, it can be hard sometimes to understand each other. But if you figure out how the opposite sex -generally- think and if you can just understand their needs, maybe you won't find much trouble communicating with them.

Read more :
Man + Woman = Troubles

A list of the worst movies ever!

This was just a spontaneous post at, I tried to remember some of the worst movies I ever saw and then I got new suggestions too from a couple of readers so I added them, this list could go longer and longer but I tried to spot out the WORST ones, what do you think?

Read this article:
A List of the Worst Movies Ever

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