Sunday 19 September 2010

The best Canon and Nikon DSLR cameras for beginners

I decided to write about the best DSLR cameras for beginners after my long journey of research and not being able to decide which DSLR camera should I buy. The transition from P&S cameras to DSLR is not that easy, you have to get used to many things, you have to learn about camera features and lenses, etc.

The price is also a problem for those on a budget, but if you are buying online from or any other famous website you may find that many cameras are sold at prices much lower than retail prices in the real world. I tried in my hub to show you the most popular Canon, Nikon and Sony DSLR offering great image quality, ease of use and good for the money.

The brand of your new DSLR is not the main problem as you might think, as long as it is from a well known and trusted manufacturer like Canon, for example. Other features you should look at depend on your current photography experience and what type of photography you are going to use your camera for. Also note that many low priced entry-level DSLR have no video modes which is not unusual, however some cameras do have a movie mode but of course for a higher price such as the Canon EOS 500D and Canon EOS 550D.

Another important feature for those moving from Point & Shoot cameras is the live view, I really recommend choosing a DSLR with live view to make the transition smoother and easier.
I hope you enjoy the article.

Photo by Mezo, all rights reserved © .

Saturday 3 July 2010

House quotes

Finally I started to write about my favorite TV show of all time: House M.D.. Dr. Gregory House is a strange charachter that can look so mean and insensitive yet so smart and has amazing diagnostic powers!

For six great seasons, Hugh Laurie with the team of talented actors has amazed me with many many quotes and smart dialogues. The dialogues, the direction, the acting and even the soundtrack was perfect. I really enjoyed this show and here is my humble trial to write about some of the best moments of the show. I collected these during watching the show but the quotes are just numerous and it would be a very very long article, so I had to pick up some of the best to put them. Here is my article: funny house quotes I hope you enjoy it.


Friday 18 June 2010

The story of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a fascinating process that will keep you amazed every time you read about it or how it affects the body. The physiological body changes during pregnancy are so much to mention, it almost changes all the body systems temporarily and it is just amazing how a women's body is "designed" to have the ability to do it, just when the time is right.

It all starts with one cell (or even before that) that starts the alarms in the body and the beginning of a new era that wil last for 9 months. Hormones control the whole process and in a very precise way. Each week of pregnancy, a new event occur, some women with good self-awareness are more likely to notice every bit of a change in her own body. Whether she knows the exact scientific details of pregnancy or not, a woman can do notice changes i her organs, the size of her abdomen, the changes in her heart rate, how she feels and her baby movements (around the 18th - 20th week for women who get pregnant for the first time).

For doctors, pregnancy is something worth close monitoring and observation with the slightest sign of danger. Pregnancy complications can be very dangerous and so the doctor needs to pay attention to the alarming signs and symptoms of placenta previa, for example, abnormal and ectopic pregnancies and any other obstetric, gynocological and medical disorder and should also advise the mother and tell her to seek medical advice when she notices any sign of danger or any abnormality,  any abnormal pains or bleeding either in her body or in the fetus.

Special care should be given to women with pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes and heart diseases. In some cases, pregnancy is not even allowed or it will cause risks to the mother, while other cases can still have babies even with their current illnesses if well controlled and observed.

Saturday 20 March 2010

Decreasing and controlling appetite

Many people know that the real reason behind their obesity is their increased appetite and the fact that they cannot resist food!

They want to know how to decrease appetite and searching all the available options to control it.
From changing food habits and beliefs to using appetite depressants and pills. The use of pills is said to be safe by many, yet alot of people are afraid to try.

It is a matter of commitment and changing your behaviour. Also, you need to do it the right way and not just start a very strict diet and starve yourself, because hen you won't complete 2 weeks maximum!

Monday 8 February 2010

Tips for a healthy skin

Beauty and skincare are some of the biggest worries of all women of all ages. Alot of men, too search for skin care tips and advice specially those with oily and sensitive skin types which can be frustrating or annoting to care for. The article How to have healthy skin will provide you with some important things to remember so you can have a healthy looking skin that gives the right message about your looks and beauty.

Skincare doesn't have to cost you a fortune, following simple tips and habits is an important factor. It is also important to abandon bad habits such as smoking and eating unhealthy food. After that, simple creams, lotions and moisturizers can be used to enhance the integrity of your skin.
I hope you find it useful.

Sunday 24 January 2010

Things to do online when you're bored

There are many of us who have alot of time which they have no idea how to fill with anything. There are many things to do on the internet when bored and I think I have tried alot of the funniest, weird, useful and most stupid things on the internet to kill boredom. I've seen hours and hours of boring times that really required alot of hard work to kill (instead of sleeping, which is an option if you are just to bored to do something in order to kill boredom!)

Wether you want to learn something new and useful or you just wanna spend those moments doing brain tackling puzzles or playing the most rediculous game ever. Movies, songs, articles, news and flash games are just some examples of time-eating activities you can do online if you know where and how to look.

Don't just stick to the tips in the previous article, search for more and use your imagination :).

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