Thursday 17 November 2011

2011, would you please come to an end?

It has been a long year, no it is actually still going on! It has been a year full of many scientific, political, economic and natural events. Try and make a list of the important and significant news you have heard during this year and you will be astonished by the number of big things that happened.

When you try to write a list about the top events in 2011, you will be confused and won't know if you should discuss the ongoing global economic recession and unemployment, the rapid climate change, hurricanes and earthquakes or the many revolutions that all started in this year. Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya and of course, the one that inspired them all: Tunisia.

There will be many unforgotten names that we will remember from this year: Julian Asange, Bin Laden, Steve Jobs..And many others. Students studying history will have to memorize a lot of stuff and dates about this year but the good news is that they will find everything, everything documented in video and archived online so when British students study the history of the royal family after tens of years, they will be able to watch "the kiss" on whatever that would be invented instead of a computer.


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